We work with our clients to keep services affordable.  We offer a reasonable hourly rate, as well as a monthly installment and other payment plans.

The first step would be to consult with an attorney. In speaking with the attorney, you will talk about the nature of your business and what your short and long term plans for it are. With that information, the attorney can help you determine with form of business entity would best allow you to achieve your goals.

Yes. We represent estate executors (and administrators), preparing the required paperwork to be filed with the surrogate’s court, and taking the executor through the process of probating / administering an estate, and closing it.

We can help. We work with artists in many different fields (writers, visual artists, scriptwriters, dancers, producers), to negotiate the terms under which they work, to their satisfaction.

We do not fight traffic tickets. In fact, we do not represent clients in matters involving litigation. We are strictly transactional attorneys.